Capes News – August 2023

Driveway Seal Coating Sign-Up

Northwest Asphalt will be at The Capes after Labor Day (specific dates have not yet been determined), and will be available to seal coat private driveways for any owner who wishes to have it done. The rates for driveways is $0.25 per square foot to seal the asphalt with an additional charge if there are any cracks that need to be filled. Contact the manager to get on the list if your driveway needs to be done. (And if you’re not sure, it probably does!)

Fun and Games!

Fun: Our annual Wine and Cheese event will take place on Sunday, September 3, 2023 from 2-4 pm in the meadow (weather permitting!) and is open to all Capes owners, their family, friends and guests.  The HOA will provide a variety of cheeses to sample, and only ask that you bring a bottle of your favorite wine to share. It’s one of our most popular events and a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors – hope to see you there! [It goes without saying that attendees must be at least 21 years old in order to sample the wine!]

Games: If you haven’t already done so – and I’m 99.8% sure that you haven’t – please take a moment to fill out the brief survey below, and let us know a little more about what types of social events you’d like to see more of at The Capes. Cards? Board games? Bunco? Beach clean-ups? Book club? Pickleball or Bocce games? Something else? Let us know:

Office Closure

The Manager will be on vacation from August 20 – August 27, 2023, and during that time office services will be limited. If you anticipate needing something from the office, please don’t wait until the last minute to let us know!

Beach fires

As we enter what is typically one of the driest months of the year, following what has already been an extremely dry May, June and July, we want to be extremely careful when it comes to beach fires. While building a fire on the public beach is not prohibited, there are rules that must be followed in order to safely enjoy a beach fire. Weather conditions should always be considered; avoid all burning during periods of high wind, and/or high temperatures and low humidity. Fires must be laid well away from vegetation, and may not be made with the large, tree-sized logs that frequently wash up on our shores.  Fires should be kept to a reasonable size – no more than 3 feet in diameter with a flame height less than 2 feet high. A beach-goer who builds a fire must have water available to extinguish the blaze, as well – simply burying your fire under the sand will not necessarily put it out. It can continue to smolder and could potentially reignite while unattended, or cause burns to someone (or someone’s dog) walking by unawares. When putting out your beach fire, you should separate the remaining wood and douse it with water to ensure that it is truly out before you walk away.

If you see a fire burning on the beach that you believe may be in violation of the rules or just plain doesn’t look safe – whether it’s attended or not – you can call the Netarts-Oceanside Fire District, and they will come check it out. Their office number is 503-842-5900. If it’s after hours or a Sunday, you can call the non-emergency number at 503-815-1911.