The HOA Board

The Capes Homeowners Association Board of Directors

The Capes Homeowners Association Board of Directors is made up of 7 homeowners who have each volunteered to serve for a term of 3 years. Board elections are held each April at the annual homeowner meeting for any seats that are up for reelection in that particular year. The board meets 10 times per year, typically on the 3rd Saturday of the month*. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, there are no meetings in August or December. Meeting agendas are posted at least 3 days before each meeting*, and all owners are welcome to attend. All monthly board meetings are held at the Bridge House and begin at 9:30 am with an “open forum” during which time owners are invited to come and speak to the board on any subject. At 10:00 am, or once all attending owners have been heard (whichever comes FIRST), the regular meeting will begin. Once the regular meeting has been called to order, owners are welcome to remain and observe.

[NOTE: Due to current restrictions in place to help combat Covid-19, monthly board meetings are being held primarily via Zoom online video conferencing for the foreseeable future. Any owner who wishes to “attend” is welcome to do so. Meeting links are found in the owner portal. After logging in, go to Community > Calendar and clicking on the appropriate board meeting calendar entry.

Current Board Members

To contact The Capes Board of Directors, please email

Roger Bivans

Scott Newcombe
Vice President

Cheryl Jones

Susan Hunter

Steven Methvin
Board Member

Claude Zeller
Board Member

Jason Scully
Board Member


*See the “Upcoming Meetings” sidebar for meeting dates and agendas